Category Archives: mariages

Alanna and Fabrice got married !

I am delighted to finally share with you the wedding pictures of Alanna and Fabrice (my brother and sister in law). I feel so blessed to have had the chance to photograph this special day. Not only because the bride and groom were stunning, and very much in love, but also because the setting was astonishing. It took place in Bryn Athyn, a gorgeous little town in Philadelphia. Everything was beyond perfect…the weather, the light, the music…it was so special !
I wish them the happiest marriage…

note: please note how beautiful is Alanna, all pregnant with my future little niece…!

Marike Paradis

I even indulge myself with some dancing…thanks to my mother in law for the picture !

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Isabel et Andre

Le 18 juin dernier j’ai fais un mariage en solo qui avait lieu en fin de journée…Un ravissement de lumière et de beaux moments ! Ce couple et leur amis savent faire la fête, c’est évident ! Je partage avec vous l’histoire en images…

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